Topic outline

  • year 7 Unit 1



    Key Vocabulary

    Geography - Compass - Direction - Symbol - Grid reference - Distance - Scale - Contour - Landform - Features

    • Lesson 1: Lost

      Learning Objectives
      1. Know the main enquiry questions we use in geography
      2. Develop your ability to analyse pictures of places
      3. Understand why places are like they are

      Learning Outcomes
      1. To be able to use who, what when where, why and how to ask questions.


      Files: 2
    • Lesson 2 Direction

      Learning Objectives:
      1. To know the main 8 compass points
      2. To be able to give accurate directions

      Learning Outcomes:
      1. A drawing of the 8 points of a compass
      2. To navigate a map using directions
      Files: 2
    • Lesson 3 Four Figure Grid References

      Learning Objectives
      1. Know that places can be located on a map using grid references
      2. Be able to give accurate 4 figure grid references for a location

      Learning outcomes
      1. Be able to do 4 figure grid references independently
      2. Remember to 'go along the corridor and up the stairs'


      Files: 2Choice: 1
    • Lesson 4 Key Homework 1

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Know where you live and what your surroundings are like
      2. Develop skills of presentation of geographical information
      3. Understand that you live in a place made up of geographical features

      Learning outcomes:
      1. Completed sketch map of home area
      2. Completed peer assessment form


      You must bring a draft copy to the lesson 1 week after it is set for peer marking.

      The final draft will be due 1 week after this, you teacher will give you all the deadlines. 



      Files: 3Forum: 1
    • Lesson 5 6 Figure grid references

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Know that places can be located on a map using 6 figure grid references
      2. Be able to give accurate 6 figure grid references for a location

      Learning outcomes:
      1. Be able to do 6 figure grid references independently
      2. Remember to go 'along the corridor and up the stairs'


      Page: 1Files: 2
    • Lesson 6 Contour Lines

      Learning Objectives:
      1. Know that contours show height and relief on a map
      2. Be able to understand what contour lines show us

      Learning Outcomes

      1.Understand that contours that are close together show steep slopes

      2. Understand that contours that are far apart show gentle slopes


      Files: 2
    • Lesson 7 Identifying Key Features

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Know that geographers can look at the human and physical features of a place
      2. Be able to identify key aspects of places from photographs
      3. Understand what a physical feature is and what a human feature is
      4. Be aware that places are different

      Learning Outcomes
      1. To be able to use who, what when where, why and how to ask questions

      Files: 2Quiz: 1
    • Lesson 8 Will you survive?

      Learning Objectives:

      1. Know that geographers can use a range of skills ot understand a place.
      2. Be able to make decisions about equipment needed to survive.
      3. To be able to survive on an island.

      Learning Outcomes 

      1. Completion of assessment questions and equipment choice.

      File: 1
    • Topic 10

      OS Symbol Tests
      Files: 3
    • Topic 11

      EVALUATION of Unit
      Quiz: 1