3 An Internet search example

3.3 Focused search sites

An alternative to using general purpose search engines is to make use of focused search engines that only index known genealogical sites. For example, the Genealogical Society of the UK and Ireland (GenUKI) provides a search engine.

Activity 24

Visit the GenUKI search pages and look for your family name.

Now read the discussion


A word of warning here: genealogy is an area of the web where both free and paid for information is available, and advertising and sponsored links are often used to cross-subsidise sites. You will find many tempting links that end up on subscription sites.

There are a number of other general genealogical websites and portals, some of which are listed in the genealogical resources section. These sites will not only link to online information but lead you to resources that are available offline.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 August 2012, 12:30 PM