Online shopping – think of it as a shopping centre in cyberspace, with online auctions as the car-boot sale in the car park. This unit will help you understand how to use online shopping sites, how to...
One of the earliest popular applications of the Web was an online auction system called eBay. Think of it as an enormous car-boot sale. In an ordinary (offline) auction system, you brought things you wished...
Anyone can browse any auction in eBay, just as you have been doing. In order to bid, however, you need to register with eBay. You can do this by clicking on the ‘register’ link at the top of the home page...
To sell goods on eBay you have to go through a more elaborate registration process than that needed merely to bid. You have to provide more information on your personal details, and provide the number...
eBay is a huge database with a Web interface. (A database is a collection of information organised in such a way that a computer program can quickly retrieve desired pieces of data.) The database is continually...
Buying goods and services online used to be a minority activity – the preserve of the geeks and the ‘early adopters’ who are willing to try anything new. But in the last few years, online shopping has...
I've chosen this because books (together with music CDs and DVDs) are often the first things that people buy online. In this case I'm after a book by an American academic named Lawrence Lessig. I'm not...
The Internet is intrinsically an insecure medium (for example, sending an unencrypted email is like sending a postcard through the mail – people equipped with the right equipment might be able to monitor...
People who are new to computing sometimes find the process of online ordering baffling and frustrating. They get ‘lost’ in the process – for example, by putting something into a virtual shopping cart and...
This is probably the key determinant of customer satisfaction. Most online transactions go through flawlessly. But some don't. Goods fail to arrive, or are delayed, or delivered to the wrong address. Or...
Shopping online is already very big business, and is growing rapidly. This suggests that the concerns of consumers discussed earlier are being addressed by the industry. People wouldn't shop online if...